class User
def before_save
puts 'before save'
def after_save
puts 'after_save'
def around_save
puts 'in around save'
puts 'out around save'
before save
in around save
out around save
=> true
Have worked on following Ruby on Rails Frameworks and libraries:- Javascript: jQuery, Twitter Bootstrap, ZURB-foundation, Node.js, Backbone.js, Cross-browser javascript, HTML/CSS, Cross-browser html/css, HTML5/CSS3, Compass, SASS, Ajax CMS: RefineryCMS, AdminActive Payment Gateway :, Paypal, Stripe Database: MySQL, PostgreSQL Cloud: Amazon S3, Heroku, Git , SVN Testing Tools: TDD and BDD, Rspec, Cucumber, Selenium
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
The around_* callback is called around the action and inside the before_* and after_* actions. For example:
jQuery – Select element cheat sheet
Note: elementid refers to the actual id of the select element. elementname refers to the actual name
of the select element.
e.g. <select id = “elementid” name = “elementname”></select>
of the select element.
e.g. <select id = “elementid” name = “elementname”></select>
Selecting an element(s) for further information refer to jQuery API Selectors
Select element by id $(“#elementid”)
Select all select elements $(“select”)
Select all select elements by class $(“select.classname”)
Select all options from a select element $(“#elementid option”)
Basic Filters:
Select the first option $(“#elementid option:first”)
Select the last option $(“#elementid option:last”)
Select the option at a particular index (variant 1) $(“#elementid option:eq(2)”)
Attribute Filters:
Select all options that have a value attribute set $(“#elementid option[value]”)
Select element by name $(“select[name=elementname]”)
Form Filters:
Select the selected option $(“#elementid option:selected”)
jQuery core functionality, for further information refer to jQuery API Core
jQuery Object Accessors:
Execute a function on each matched element
e.g. $(“#elementid option”).each(function() {
alert(“I am an option of #elementid”);
Number of matched select elements
e.g. $(“select”).size() returns number of select elements on a page
Number of options in a particular select element $(“#elementid option”).size()
Select an option at a particular index (variant 2) $(“#elementid option”).eq(1)
Get the index of the selected option (variant 1) $("#elementid option").index($("#elementid option:selected")))
Select attributes, for further information refer to jQuery API Attributes
Select an attribute from matched select element e.g. select name attribute $(“#elementid”).attr(“name”)
Set an attribute for matched select element e.g. set title $(“#elementid”).attr(“title”, “myselect”)
Remove an attribute from matched select e.g. remove title element $(“#elementid”).removeAttr(“title”)
Add a class to matched select element $(“#elementid”).addClass(“inputs”)
Remove a class from matched select element $(“#elementid”).removeClass(“inputs”)
Get inner HTML of matched select $(“#elementid”).html()
Remove all options from matched select $(“#elementid”).html(“”)
Set all new options for matched select e.g.
$("#elementid").html("<option value='1'>Some oranges</option><option value='2'>More Oranges</option><option value='3'>Even more oranges</option>")
Get the text of matched option e.g. $(“#elementid option:first”).text()
Get the selected text of matched select Returns text value of selected option $(“#elementid option:selected”).text()
Remove the text of matched option e.g. $(“#elementid option:last”).text(“”)
Set the text of a matched option e.g. $(“#elementid option:eq(2)”).text(“Purple”)
Get the value of the matched option item e.g. $(“#elementid option:first”).val()
Get the selected value of matched select Returns value attribute of selected option $(“#elementid”).val()
Set the value of a matched option e.g. $(“#elementid option:eq(2)”).val(“7”)
Set the selected element based upon value i.e. Sets the selected option to option with value 7
e.g. $(“#elementid”).val(“7”)
Set the selected element based upon text e.g.
$("#elementid").val("Oranges").attr("selected", "selected")
Traversing select attributes, for further information refer to jQuery API Traversing
Get the index of the selected option (variant 2) $("#elementid option:selected").prevAll().size()
Manipulating select attributes, for further information refer to jQuery API Manipulation
Inserting Inside:
Add options to the end of select element
e.g. $("#elementid").append("<option
Add options to the start of select element
e.g. $("#elementid").prepend("<option
value='0'>Before Apples</option>")
Inserting Outside:
Add options after selected index
e.g. $("#elementid option:eq(0)").after("<option
value='4'>Some pears</option>"
Add options before selected index
e.g. $("#elementid option:eq(3)").before("<option
value='5'>Some apricots</option>")
Replace items at a certain index
e.g. $("#elementid
value='2'>Some apples</option>")
Remove option at specified index $("#elementid option:eq(0)").remove()
Remove first option $("#elementid option:first").remove()
Remove last option $("#elementid option:last").remove()
Select element events, for further information refer to jQuery API Events
Event Helpers:
Function to call when an option is selected $("#elementid").change(function() {})
Getting values when an option is selected
$("#elementid").change(function() {
Select form submission, for further information refer to jQuery API AJAX
Event Helpers:
Serialize select element so it can be submitted or $("#elementid").serialize()
passed in URL Returns something like this: "elementname=1"
There are some steps to configure Server, Firewall and Apache .
Steps To Configure Server :
1. Lets know server type : $cat /etc/*-release
2. Update system : $ sudo apt-get update
3. Install git and curl : $sudo apt-get install curl git-core gitosis .
4. Now Install RVM : $ bash < <( curl https://rvm.beginrescueend. com/releases/rvm-install-head )
5. Make changes in /root/.bashrc file as mentioned after installing RVM .
replace : [ -z "$PS1" ] && return
with : if [[ -n "$PS1" ]] ; then
and at the end of file add
[[ -s "/usr/local/rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && source "/usr/local/rvm/scripts/rvm"
After chnages use "su" on prompt .So that .bashrc file can be loaded with changes
6. Install Ruby depandencies for RVM: $ apt-get install build-essential bison openssl libreadline6 libreadline6-dev curl git-core zlib1g zlib1g-dev libssl-dev libyaml-dev libsqlite3-0 libsqlite3-dev sqlite3 libxml2-dev libxslt-dev autoconf libc6-dev ncurses-dev automake
7. Now RVM is ready to install ruby like : $ rvm install 1.9.2-p180
8. Install database server (say mysql) : $ sudo apt-get install mysql-server
9. Setup application in /var/www ( if www directory not exist then create it.)
Step to Configure firewall :
1. View entries in iptable : $ iptables -L
2. Allow ports : $ iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -dport ssh -j ACCEPT
it can also be done by specifing port number : $ iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -dport 80 -j ACCEPT
3. TO allow ping : $ iptables -I INPUT 2 -p icmp -j ACCEPT
4. TO allow established sessions to receive traffic : $ iptables -I INPUT 2 -m conntrack --ctstate ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
5. Save setting : $ sudo bash -c "iptables-save > /etc/iptables.rules"
Step to Configure apache :
1. Install apache : $ sudo apt-get install apache2
apache's required files for changes will be available in /etc/apache2/ directory .
2. Install passenger gem to support ruby and rails on apache : $ gem install passenger
3. Now run : $ passenger-install-apache2- module
This will suggest, what to do next.
4. Create a file in sites-available directory with any name you want . And copy content suggested in above step
<VirtualHost *:80>......
And make setting as required .
5. Remove the symbolic links for default from site-enabled.
6. Create symbolic links in site-enabled folder from newly created file in site-available.
7. Restart apache :/etc/init.d/apache2 start/stop/restart
8. Restart passanger after chnages in app : touch path_to_app/tmp/restart.txt
Rails 3 Problem with Passenger :
when gem 'paperclip', :git => 'git:// paperclip.git', :branch => 'rails3' is added to your Gemfile
then there will be some problem while you are running app . Try
$ bundle --deployment
Steps To Configure Server :
1. Lets know server type : $cat /etc/*-release
2. Update system : $ sudo apt-get update
3. Install git and curl : $sudo apt-get install curl git-core gitosis .
4. Now Install RVM : $ bash < <( curl https://rvm.beginrescueend.
5. Make changes in /root/.bashrc file as mentioned after installing RVM .
replace : [ -z "$PS1" ] && return
with : if [[ -n "$PS1" ]] ; then
and at the end of file add
[[ -s "/usr/local/rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && source "/usr/local/rvm/scripts/rvm"
After chnages use "su" on prompt .So that .bashrc file can be loaded with changes
6. Install Ruby depandencies for RVM: $ apt-get install build-essential bison openssl libreadline6 libreadline6-dev curl git-core zlib1g zlib1g-dev libssl-dev libyaml-dev libsqlite3-0 libsqlite3-dev sqlite3 libxml2-dev libxslt-dev autoconf libc6-dev ncurses-dev automake
7. Now RVM is ready to install ruby like : $ rvm install 1.9.2-p180
8. Install database server (say mysql) : $ sudo apt-get install mysql-server
9. Setup application in /var/www ( if www directory not exist then create it.)
Step to Configure firewall :
1. View entries in iptable : $ iptables -L
2. Allow ports : $ iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -dport ssh -j ACCEPT
it can also be done by specifing port number : $ iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -dport 80 -j ACCEPT
3. TO allow ping : $ iptables -I INPUT 2 -p icmp -j ACCEPT
4. TO allow established sessions to receive traffic : $ iptables -I INPUT 2 -m conntrack --ctstate ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
5. Save setting : $ sudo bash -c "iptables-save > /etc/iptables.rules"
Step to Configure apache :
1. Install apache : $ sudo apt-get install apache2
apache's required files for changes will be available in /etc/apache2/ directory .
2. Install passenger gem to support ruby and rails on apache : $ gem install passenger
3. Now run : $ passenger-install-apache2-
This will suggest, what to do next.
4. Create a file in sites-available directory with any name you want . And copy content suggested in above step
<VirtualHost *:80>......
And make setting as required .
5. Remove the symbolic links for default from site-enabled.
6. Create symbolic links in site-enabled folder from newly created file in site-available.
7. Restart apache :/etc/init.d/apache2 start/stop/restart
8. Restart passanger after chnages in app : touch path_to_app/tmp/restart.txt
Rails 3 Problem with Passenger :
when gem 'paperclip', :git => 'git://
then there will be some problem while you are running app . Try
$ bundle --deployment
#~ class Array
#~ def reverse_iterate
#~ current_index = self.size-1
#~ while current_index >= 0
#~ yield self[current_index]
#~ current_index -= 1
#~ end
#~ end
#~ end
#~ [2,4,6,8].reverse_iterate { |i| print "#{i} "}
class Array
def each_anil &block
yield self
[2,4,6,8].each_anil {|p| puts p}
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