RESTful interface means clean URLs, less code, CRUD interface.
You might heard about HTTP verbs, GET, POST. In REST, they add 2 new verbs, i.e, PUT, DELETE.
There are 7 default actions, those are – index, show, new, create, edit, update, destroy
GET is used when you retrieve data from database.
POST is used when you create new record in database.
PUT is used when you are updating any existing record in database.
DELETE is used when you are destroying any record in database.
Following table may clear the concept.
Action VERB
index GET
show GET
new GET
create POST
edit GET
update PUT
destroy DELETE
You might heard about HTTP verbs, GET, POST. In REST, they add 2 new verbs, i.e, PUT, DELETE.
There are 7 default actions, those are – index, show, new, create, edit, update, destroy
GET is used when you retrieve data from database.
POST is used when you create new record in database.
PUT is used when you are updating any existing record in database.
DELETE is used when you are destroying any record in database.
Following table may clear the concept.
Action VERB
index GET
show GET
new GET
create POST
edit GET
update PUT
destroy DELETE