Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Deprecated Finders With Rails 4

Rails 4 deprecates the old-style finder option hashes, as well as all dynamic finder methods (with the exception of find_by_... and find_by_...). Instead, you'll use where:

  • find_all_by_... can be rewritten using where(...).
  • find_last_by_... can be rewritten using where(...).last.
  • scoped_by_... can be rewritten using where(...).
  • find_or_initialize_by_... can be rewritten using where(...).first_or_initialize.
  • find_or_create_by_... can be rewritten using find_or_create_by(...) or where(...).first_or_create.
  • find_or_create_by_...! can be rewritten using find_or_create_by!(...) or where(...).first_or_create!.
The deprecated finders gem will be included as a dependency in 4.0. and removed in 4.1. The gem, however, will be around and maintained until 5.0.

Accessing helper modules into decorate with Rails 4

Additionally, a decorator has access to Rails helper modules via the helper proxy method. This is useful when you want to hide complex logic from the templates.

class PersonDecorator < Draper::Decorator

  def author_headline
    if author == helper.current_user
      h.content_tag(:h3, 'You')

Now in your template you just call @person.author_headline and you are done. No conditions in the template. Your designers will be thankful!

Access current_user into decorate like below.
